Thursday, July 15, 2010

Japanese Tunnel (Davao - 1 of 7)

the only place in our Davao City itinerary that we were able to visit (aside from the malls and hanging out with my relatives)... :-)

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The tunnel was constructed during Japanese occupation (that's in the 1940s), but this was discovered only in 1962.

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The Japanese had forced their Filipino prisoners to the digging....the walls are stone-like (hehe im not a geologist so i cant tell what type).... according to our guide, they were able to talk with one survivor and he told them that it took them one year to finish 1kilometer of the tunnel... but the tunnel is not only that long... it extends to various parts of Davao. But this one which was opened to the public is only a few hundred meters long, you'll reach a deadend. They blocked because the other part belongs to another private owner, and the safety is not assured anymore, most parts had already caved in.

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when they discovered the tunnel, they saw this small space carved in one of the walls. It had a wooden door with only a small window. When they opened it they discovered a lot of human bones. According to our guide, the survivor told them of cages inside the tunnel where they put those who are weak to continue digging or those who disobey the Japanese... this small space were packed with 10 Filipinos. Just imagine 10 human beings inside this and the door was not as open as these steel bars. It was completely close with only a very small window...

According to our guide, they also had Japanese guests. Some cried during their tour inside the tunnel and offered their apologies.

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our guide also told us about the famed Golden Buddha being discovered in these tunnels... how true that is i dont know... as far as i can remember the Golden Buddha story was being told as a myth...

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you'll notice mini-chambers along the tunnel. These were used by the Japanese as their "quarters" inside. Some were even made into their offices.

And the owners even tried to add some drama inside... you'll see some statues of Japanese soldiers inside... kinda creepy though hehe ;D

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there's another chamber where they saw a lot of ammunitions and guns... believed to be their armory inside...

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over the years, stalactites had been forming already inside the tunnel.

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i just find it odd that above the tunnel, the land owner had created a resort.... :-) well at least it's a bit comfy to visit the Japanese tunnel... :D

The Japanese Tunnel
Barangay Ma-a, Davao City
24 June 2010

1 comment:

  1. wew! LIKE! :D
    fits to my fieldwork report.
    thanks. . .
