Thursday, April 5, 2012

i'm pass the 3decade mark!

it felt like stopping for the view at one of the highpoints of an uphill&downhill route after running continuously... then that natural high feeling knowing that you're in a good spot to see and appreciate what you've covered so far. my heart does not want to stop smiling... i know i have covered a good run. i have more than a million happy memories along the route. :-) 

the last few years went by really quick. i don't have the usual list before turning 30 thing (i'm a sucker for that kind of goal setting hehe) but right now I am really grateful that God gave me a smooth ride and really wonderful people to travel with me. Thank you YOU!

what's up for the next decade? for sure it will be a totally different journey than the past 3 because i have my little siopao in it. i'm excited!!! :-)

there will be one major life lesson I will carry forward from the past decades :
See things in a positive way... ALWAYS! 
...and everything else will follow. :-)

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